Wednesday, 20 July 2011

New Stuff

Been hording up a few drawings to have them scanned in, and as of today i have. so here they are ...

The first one is of sailing boats on the Norfolk Broards. The scan on this isnt brilliant unfortuantly.

The second one is of a dog. The owner who is from Briston (where i live) got in contact with my mum because she wanted him drawn. This is roughly A4 size.

The third on is a 2-3 hour scretch of an american P39 Cobra in the pacific during world war two. A4 as well.

And finally the forth is a ME109. Known as Black six, this crashed a few years ago. 3-4 hour scretch and just bigger then A4.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

The Royal Norfolk Show!

A couple of weeks ago i went to the Norfolk show with two drawings, my dog one and the beach hut one. And im pleased to say i sold one! The dog drawing got sold for £75. Very pleased with that!
Also comeing up is ... another dog drawing for someone, and a boat one.