Friday, 22 January 2010

Scetchbook work.

Just some random drawings from a A4 Sketch book.
Just a drawing i did, taken from a photograph.

Work i did for my A leval work at Fakenham College.

Monday, 18 January 2010


Mermaid i just did for the hell of it, sort of influanced by tattoo art. But mainly striaght out of my head.


just a drawing..

Wetherspoons project!!

Lloyds no1 bar flyer, front and back ...

Wetherspoon beer mats ...

Poster ...

This is my poster, beer matts and flyer to promote Wetherspoons. it was part of the breif to help advertise and promote a chosen buisness blar blar blar .... very boring stuff really. But anyway digital Illustration, there you go ...

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Art work from Fakenham college ...

Drawings i did for one of my final peices in college (Fakenham six form) ... dont really now what it was about know tho ....

Renewable energy stamp illustrations

These are the illustrations i did for the stamp project in uni. the brief was to create a set of stamps to premote renewable energy.

Friday, 15 January 2010


Hello, this is my blog for my Illustrations. Will post images soon!