Friday, 25 March 2011

Russian Spit

This is a drawing of a spitfire IV in a Russian paint scheme. I did for a possible buisness card idea.

Below is the original image

Friday, 18 March 2011

B24 Works

B24 Liberator Drawing. Only a photograph at this point, sorry for being the wrong side up, blogger wont let it go landscape for some reason. This is actually for an Aviation book illustraton that im very excited about! next up will be a crashed, or crashing, B24.


Dogfight over the coast! P51 vs BF109.

A3 Pencil drawing

Carribian Frigate

Monday, 7 March 2011

What i have been doing ..

Ok this is what I have been doing recently. In-between working and my latest obsession with the PS3 of course! They're all from photographs so sorry for the extreme bad quality! They will be scanned when I get the time, and when some are finished. The first one is of an American P51 mustang in a dogfight with a German BF109 over a coastal area. The second is a couple of wolves, the third is an eagle, and the fourth is a work in progress, currently just a P38 Lightning. They're all pencil drawings apart from the eagle which is pen and marker.